- Location
St Michael's Church
- Chair
- Cllr Margaret North
- Explanation
The Annual Town Meeting will be held
on Wednesday 19 March 2024
at 6pm in St Michael's Church.
The meeting will be chaired by the Mayor of Newquay.
- Agenda documents
Agenda items
To receive and accept apologies for absence.
To receive Declarations of Interest and Dispensations awarded in respect of items on the agenda.
To receive the Annual Report from the Mayor of Newquay
(Report to follow if not attached)Attachment
To raise and discuss any questions on Council business or matters which impact the parish of Newquay.
Please Note
- Matters discussed are for information only.
- If a question cannot be answered at the meeting, a Questions and Answers paper will be placed on the Town Council website asap after the meeting.
- Any decisions made shall be by majority vote. However, they are not binding on the Town Council, they do provide a steer on a particular matter.
- Electioneering is not permissible.
(Reports to follow if not attached)
6Close of Formal Meeting
To present the Newquay Town Council Mayor's Awards.