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Governance and Resources Committee

Monday, November 25, 2024

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Council Chamber

Cllr Margaret North

You are hereby summoned to an ordinary meeting of the Governance and Resources (G&R) Committee which is to be held on Monday 25 November 2024 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Municipal Offices, Marcus Hill, Newquay to transact the business contained in the attached agenda and associated papers.

A live stream of the meeting will be available from the following link: Meeting Team's Link
If there are any issues with the live stream, our backup will be promoted on our social media pages and is likely to be the Newquay Town Council Youtube page.


There is a PRESENTATION for members at 18:45pm from Newquay Surf Life Saving Club. Members of the public will be admitted to the Chamber after this presentation has concluded.

Agenda documents

Agenda items

  1. 0

    At 18:45pm, there will be a presentation from Newquay Surf Life Saving Club.

    Members are asked to be seated by 18:45. The public will be allowed into the Chamber at 19:00.

  2. 1

    To receive and accept apologies for absence

  3. 2

    To receive Declarations of Interest and Dispensations awarded in respect of items on the agenda

  4. 3

    To take as read and confirm as accurate the minutes of the meeting held on: 30 September 2024


    It was proposed by Cllr M North, seconded by Cllr D Creek and

    RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting held on 30 September 2024 including the confidential addendum.
  5. 4

    To discuss or note any matters arising from the minutes under item 3 (for information only)

  6. 5

    To receive previously notified public questions, followed by verbal questions (if technologically possible) from attending electors of Newquay.

    In line with Standing Order 3(e), members of the public may make representations, answer questions and give evidence at a meeting which they are entitled to attend in respect of the business on the agenda of the meeting.

    In line with Standing Order 3(f), the time allowed under this item is 15 minutes unless directed by the Chair.

    In line with Standing Order 3(g), members of the public shall not speak for more than 3 minutes.

  7. 6

    To receive, note and consider any recommendations contained within the report.


    It was proposed by Cllr M North, seconded by Cllr D Creek and

    RESOLVED to note the budget monitoring report.

    The RFO provided members with an overview of the report.

    Members discussed.
  8. 7

    To receive, consider and determine any recommendations or actions based on the budget information presented from officers and committees.

  9. 7.A

    To receive, consider and agree the committee budget recommendations 

    Please note:
    Depending on the nature of the discussions, any Staffing related budget discussions may need to take place under exempt business.


    It was proposed by Cllr M North, seconded by Cllr D Creek and

    RESOLVED unanimously to agree the G&R budget recommendations.
    Members discussed.

    It was proposed by Cllr M North, seconded by Cllr D Creek and

    RESOLVED unanimously to agree the G&R budget recommendations.
  10. 7.B

    It was proposed by Cllr L Wright, seconded by Cllr A Goudge and

    RESOLVED to agree to RECOMMEND to G&R the Community & Tourism Budget for 2025-24.
  11. 7.C

    To consider, decide and formally recommend to Full Council a 2025/26 Precept, Budget and General Fund Balance. This results in the following recommendations:

    2025/26 Gross Expenditure Budget: £3,231,614
    2025/26 Precept: £2,851,214
    2025/26 General Fund: 3.0 Months
    2025/26 Total EMR Reserve Balance: £2,173,169
    Impact on Residents:
    2025/26 Band D Council Tax: £300.98 (NIL increase)


    It was proposed by Cllr, M North seconded by Cllr D Creek and

    RESOLVED unanimously to RECOMMEND to Full Council a Gross Expenditure Budget of £3,231,614, a Precept of £2,851,214, a General Fund Balance equivalent to 3.0 Months (minimum level), a Total Reserve Balance of £2,173,169, and the impact on the Residents being a NIL increase as set out in the draft papers.
    The RFO explained that it is a zero percent budget increase on a band D property this year.

    Cllr M North suggested putting the precept up by 2% to cover inflation.

    Cllr D Creek thinks a rise would be unnecessary this year as we are due to get a dividend in second home council tax which means 600 second homes in Newquay will be paying double council tax this year, which equates to somewhere in the region of £150,000 - £200,000. We are going to use majority of the dividend to top up the EMR’s where they have been heavily used over the last few years. When we look at next year, the proposed number is 6-7% increase, but that takes into consideration an assumption that we lose 80% of second homes double tax. We have stabilised the budget of this council over the last year, with this dividend we now have the opportunity to save the taxpayer a little bit of money this year.

    Cllr A Hannan was thankful to Cllr D Creek for the explanation of why, although there is a substantial increase across the budget, we are not necessarily having to put the precept up because we have had this windfall which is important to know. Cllr A Hannan asked Officers who had set a no band D rise as this was raised in the informal budget meeting. The Town Clerk informed members that a few members over the year had feedback to achieve a zero rise, which is what was referred too in the informal meeting. Cllr A Hannan is concerned at how we have come to such an exact figure that there is no band D increase. The Town Clerk informed members that time has been spent looking at the EMR’s and that is where we have made the figures balance, it’s the general fund 3 months that we are trying to achieve. Talking

    as an Officer, I would certainly advocate increases of factoring in inflation.

    Cllr J Kenny expressed that she still disapproves of the rise last year and we are in a cost-of-living crisis, and we need to reflect that. As of next year, we will have a better understanding on what has been spent.

    Cllr J Kenny asked the Town Clerk if members are permitted to come in with an amendment at the budget meeting? The Town Clerk informed members that the strong advice we have had in the past is once you have a formal recommendation from this Committee that has looked at everything, looked at the risk assessments and you have the full detailed report which goes to Full Council, you should not be changing that on the night. You would need to throw it out and look at it again as you would not know what the implications are on the night.

    Cllr M North suggested that if the budget is recommended this evening, then the RFO may be able to get the budget report finished in time for the Full Council Meeting on the 4th December instead of having to meet again in December due to the amount of apologies received for December and January.
  12. 8

    To consider and recommend to Full Council confirmation that following a review of the effectiveness of the internal audit and controls, that the Councils considers these measures to be adequate and effective, including confirming the independence and effectiveness of the Internal Auditor, Steve Hudson.


    It was proposed by Cllr M North, seconded by Cllr D Creek and

    RESOLVED unanimously to RECOMMEND to Full Council confirmation that following a review of the effectiveness of the internal auditor and controls, that the Council considers these measures to be adequate and effective, including confirming the independence and effectiveness of the Internal Auditor, Steve Hudson

    Cllr K Larsen asked how long we have had our existing Internal Auditor. The RFO will find out and report back to next committee meeting.
  13. 9

    To receive, consider and determine applications received.

  14. 9.A


    It was proposed by Cllr M North, seconded by Cllr J Kenny

    RESOLVED to approve the Newquay Surf Life Savings Club Grant Request of £2,500.
  15. 9.B


    It was proposed by Cllr D Creek, seconded by Cllr M North and

    RESOLVED unanimously to approve the £900 Grant request for Newquay Cricket Club.
    Members discussed and asked for the Office to go back to the applicants to ask them to fill in the form correctly with their previous awarded grants, check that the plaque was put on the storage container and ask for a picture of the cricket team wearing the kit.
  16. 10
    Active External Grant Applications
  17. 10.A

    To receive and update and make any decisions in relation to active external Grant Applications including the allocation of funding or support as may be recommended by officers

  18. 11

    To receive, consider and make any decisions in relation to correspondence to the committee which has not been otherwise dealt with outside of the meetings

  19. 11.A


    It was proposed by Cllr M North, seconded by Cllr D Creek and

    RESOLVED unanimously for the Town Clerk to respond to the President of the Newquay Twinning Association asking for a grant application form to be completed.
    Cllr M North provided memebrs with an overview of the email that was included in members packs.

    Members discussed.
  20. 11.B


    It was proposed by Cllr D Creek, seconded by Clrl M North and

    RESOLVED unanimously to give delegated authority to Chair, Vice Chair, Cllr J Kenny and RFO to release up to £2,000, Subject to the appropriate due diligence being undertaken and grant appliaction completed.
    Cllr M North provided members with an overview of the email that was included in members packs. The Office recieved an email last month with a closure announcement for the CIC, the Town Clerk is happy to circulate to memebrs if required.

    Members discussed the request.

    Cllr K Larsen asked for the Office to contact the CIC with the grant gateway dates and inform then that this could change when the new Council come in in May.
  21. 12

    To receive, consider and make any decisions in relation to items referred to this committee from Full Council or another Committee (subject to such items being outlined on the agenda)

  22. 12.A

    It was proposed by Cllr D Creek, seconded by Cllr A Hannan and

    RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to G&R to utilise £2,500 from their Grants underspend to fund the Crantock Street Community Garden Grant Request.


    It was proposed by Cllr M North, seconded by Cllr D Creek and

    RESOLVED unanimously to RECOMMEND to Full Council to utilise £2,500 from the Grants EMR to fund the Crantock Street Community Garden Grant Request.
  23. 12.B

    It was proposed by Cllr D Creek, seconded by Cllr A Hannan and

    RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to G&R to utilise £2,500 from their Grants EMR to fund the Nansledan Community Centre Grant Request.


    It was proposed by Cllr M North, seconded by Cllr D Creek and

    RESOLVED unanimously to RECOMMEND to Full Council to utilise £2,500 from the Grants EMR to fund the Nansledan Community Centre Grant Request.
  24. 12.C

    It was proposed by Cllr D Creek, seconded by Cllr A Hannan and

    RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to G&R to utilise £200 from their Grants EMR to provide a 20% subsidy for the 10 Bleed Control Kits Units, subject to proof of purchase of the Kits from the businesses they will be residing in.



    | It was porposed by Cllr M North, seconded by Cllr K Larsen and |

    RESOLVED to utilise £200 from the Grants Budget to provide a 20% subsidy for the 10 Bleed Control Kits Units, subject to proof of purchase of the Kits from the businesses they will be residing in.
  25. 13
    Deferred Items from the last meeting
  26. 13.A

    It was proposed by Cllr K Larsen , seconded by Cllr D Creek and
    RESOLVED to RECOMMEND the Biodiversity Policy to G&R with the wording amended to Point 10. Adding in that we would not use synthetic pesticides or non-organic methods.


    It was proposed by Cllr M North, seconded by Cllr K Larsen and

    the amended Biodiversity Policy to
    Members discussed and debated.

    Cllr A Hannan asked for a named vote.

    It was proposed by Cllr M North, seconded by Cllr K Larsen

    Cllr D Creek
    Cllr M North
    Cllr K Larsen
    Cllr S Slade

    Cllr J Kenny
    Cllr A Hannan
  27. 14

    To resolve that pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 the public and press leave the meeting because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

  28. 14.A

    To receive, consider and agree/recommend to Full Council any confidential elements of the committee budget recommendations to include Staffing Budgets and anything commercially sensitive

  29. 14.A.i

    It was proposed by Cllr D Souray, seconded by Cllr L Wright and RESOLVED unanimously to RECOMMEND to the Governance & Resources Committee support for the proposed increase in CCTV hours within the CCTV Service. Members felt that this increase is a high priority for the service.
  30. 14.B

    To receive, consider and make any decisions in relation to the Debtor's Report (report to follow if not attached)


    It was proposed by Cllr M North, seconded by Cllr S Slade and

    RESOLVED to respond to Cornwall Council with a rent figure of £3,600 for the Registrar’s Office on the Ground Floor.
  31. 14.C

    To receive an update and make any decisions or recommendations in relation to a potential devolution opportunity from Cornwall Council


    It was proposed by Cllr M North, seconded by Cllr K Larsen and

    RESOLVED unanimously to inform Cornwall Council of our interest for the Devolution Opportunity
  32. 14.D

    To receive and consider the update report and make recommendations to Full Council in relation to the additional release and the deposit payment.


    It was proposed by Cllr M North, seconded by Cllr D Creek and

    RESOLVED unanimously RECOMMEND to Full Council that an additional EMR release of £465 from the Mount Wise Community Centre’s Utilities budget line be approved along with suspending the financial regulations to pay a 60% upfront plus £250 deposit to secure a slot and current quote of £11,641.00
  33. 15

    Urgent items for information and discussion only.

    Any questions asked under this item by members are likely to be responded to at the next meeting.

  34. 16

    The next G&R Committee meeting is to take place on Monday 24 February 2025 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Marcus Hill, Newquay.
    Future Meeting Dates:
    24 February 2025
    28 April 2025