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Full Council

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Council Chamber

Cllr Margaret North

You are hereby summoned to an ordinary meeting of the Full Council which is to be held on Wednesday 07 September 2022 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Municipal Offices, Marcus Hill, Newquay to transact the business contained in the attached agenda and associated papers.


Agenda documents


Agenda items

  1. 0

    All members are requested to attend a 6:30pm presentation on the Cornwall Space Cluster.

  2. 1

    To receive and accept apologies for absence that have been submitted to the Clerk.

  3. 2

    To receive Declarations of Interest and Dispensations awarded in respect of items on the agenda.

  4. 3

    To take as read and confirm as accurate the minutes of the meetings held on:

  5. 4

    To discuss or note any matters arising from the minutes under item 3.

    This is for information only unless specific matters/items are on the agenda for decision.

  6. 5

    To receive, question and note the Police Report (to follow)

  7. 6

    To receive previously notified public questions from attending electors of Newquay.

    In line with Standing Order 3(e), members of the public may make representations, answer questions and give evidence at a meeting which they are entitled to attend in respect of the business on the agenda of the meeting.

    In line with Standing Order 3(f), the time allowed under this item is 15 minutes unless directed by the Chair.

    In line with Standing Order 3(g), members of the public shall not speak for more than 3 minutes.

  8. 7

    To receive reports from Newquay Cornwall Councillors and for Town Councillors to raise questions on their report(s) (for information only).

    Please note

    • Members wishing to raise a ward or divisional issue, should do so direct with the relevant Cornwall Councillor outside the meeting.
    • This item allows Cornwall Councillors in Newquay to report on updates to live issues or matters of concern and for members of the Town Council to ask questions on those matters reported on.
  9. 8

    To receive and note the list of Correspondence and to refer or respond accordingly (if any)

    Please note any emails or letters that have already been circulated to members will not be included unless a decision is needed that cannot be dealt with outside of Full Council or a committee.

  10. 9

    To receive a report on Service Status, Business Continuity matters and Key issues for information and a decision where requested by the Chief Executive and Town Clerk.

  11. 10

    To receive the Mayor’s Announcements (for information only)

  12. 11

    To receive and note the Financial Statements of the Town Council which have been paid (to follow if not attached).

    Please note: Payments are now being circulated to all members via email and paid twice a month in a new scheme to ensure we are complying with regulations that cover late payment and interest charges. This is a pilot until December 2022 when the process will be reviewed fully by the Governance and Resources Committee. This means payments lists presented to Full Council during this period are no longer seeking approval and are instead a record of what has happened. Full Council is therefore simply noting them for audit purposes only.

  13. 12

    To receive and note the following committee minutes/reports and to consider and make decisions on any recommendations and proposals to Full Council contained therein (unless otherwise dealt with at the previous Full Council meeting):

  14. 12.A

    To receive and note the minutes of the Governance and Resources committee.

  15. 12.B

    To receive and note the minutes of the Community and Tourism committee.

  16. 12.B.i

    RESOLVED unanimously to refer the Mobile Dentist Unit decision to FULL COUNCIL for discussion.

    To receive an update from Cllr Formosa and to discuss and make any decisions on the potential funding of a mobile dentist unit.

  17. 12.C

    To receive and note the minutes of the Environment and Facilities committee as presented below.

  18. 12.C.i

  19. 12.C.ii

  20. 12.C.iii

    RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Full Council an amendment to the current policy of ‘no development’ on the Killacourt and give delegated authority to the Deputy Town Clerk, Town Clerk & Chair & Vice Chair to review and create an amended wording for the policy.

    Proposed Wording from above authority:

    RECOMMENDATION that Full Council varies the current policy of “no further development of the Killacourt other than to maintain the finished infrastructure. This will include no further development of buildings, permanent structures or permanent artwork; no further encroachments of views or vistas save for temporary event structures, green/floral environmental enhancements or coastal protection measures.” To provide an exception for the erection of a singular statue that commemorates Newquay’s Surfing Heritage, subject to any separate and necessary permissions or consents, following the successful consultation showing a majority of support for the scheme.

  21. 12.C.iv

    RESOLVED unanimously to RECOMMEND to Full Council that based on the outcome of the public consultation for the Surf Statue, the Environment & Facilities Committee is given delegated authority to progress with determining the feasibility and cost of facilitating installation and progressing with the statue subject to the successful change of the current wording on the policy of ‘no further development on the Killacourt’.

  22. 12.D

    To receive and note the minutes of the Planning and Licensing committee.

  23. 12.D.i

  24. 12.D.ii

  25. 12.D.iii

  26. 12.D.iv

  27. 12.D.v

  28. 13

    To receive reports from members who sit on outside bodies as well as issues and motions received, in line with Standing Order 9B, from members in relation to Newquay Town Council.

    Discussions under this item are for information only unless specifically listed on the agenda for a decision.

    Any concerns being raised or requests for information should be communicated to the Town Clerk as soon as possible and in good time before the meeting, to ensure they have been afforded the time to look into the matter. Failure to do this is likely to result in the Town Clerk having to note the matter and responding at a later date.

  29. 13.A

    For the town council to call on South West Water to deal with the run off and sewage discharge into the ocean, polluting the local waterways and putting people and wildlife at risk

  30. 13.B

    To discuss and decide on the implementation of name plates for meetings.

  31. 13.C

    Motion to declare a cost of living emergency

  32. 13.D

    Proposal that Newquay Town Council writes to CALC to request training be offered in more than solely online formats, having a singular online method of instruction fails to take account of internet connectivity problems, individual learning styles, members whose disability may make online learning difficult or even impossible. We note that CALC offers some of it's own sessions in person already and would request that a more fair and inclusive approach is adopted

  33. 14

    To raise and discuss other business at the Chairman’s discretion (for information only)

  34. 15

    The next scheduled Full Council meeting will take place on Wednesday 05 October 2022 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Municipal Offices, Marcus Hill, Newquay.

    Future Meeting Dates:
    02 November 2022
    07 December 2022
    21 December 2022 (Budget)
    01 February 2023
    01 March 2023
    05 April 2023
    03 May 2023 (Annual)