- Location
Council Chamber
- Chair
- Cllr Drew Creek
- Explanation
You are hereby summoned to an Extra-ordinary meeting of the Governance and Resources (G&R) Committee which is to be held on Wednesday 01 November 2023 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Municipal Offices, Marcus Hill, Newquay to transact the business contained in the attached agenda and associated papers.
- Agenda documents
Agenda items
To receive and accept apologies for absence
To receive Declarations of Interest and Dispensations awarded in respect of items on the agenda
To take as read and confirm as accurate the minutes of the meeting held on: 25 September 2023
00:00:45 - - ., Councillor -
To discuss or note any matters arising from the minutes under item 3 (for information only)
To receive previously notified public questions, followed by verbal questions (if technologically possible) from attending electors of Newquay.
In line with Standing Order 3(e), members of the public may make representations, answer questions and give evidence at a meeting which they are entitled to attend in respect of the business on the agenda of the meeting.
In line with Standing Order 3(f), the time allowed under this item is 15 minutes unless directed by the Chair.
In line with Standing Order 3(g), members of the public shall not speak for more than 3 minutes.
00:02:13 - - ., Councillor00:06:54 - - ., Councillor -
6Objective 3.2 – Oversee and scrutinise Town Council finances in accordance with Financial Regulations
To receive, note and consider the budget information.
To receive, note and consider the budget information.
To receive, note and consider any planning for the forthcoming budget setting process.
To discuss current draft budget implications and establish a steer on precept setting for officers
Draft budget information to followAttachment
7Objective 3.7 - Manage and implement the Town Council Grant scheme
To receive, consider and determine applications received in relation to the committee’s remit under objective 3.7.
It was proposed by Cllr L Gardner, seconded by Cllr O Monk and RESOLVED unanimously to RECOMMEND to G&R the release of £4,000 from the Grants EMR.
To receive, consider and make any decisions in relation to correspondence to the committee which has not been otherwise dealt with outside of the meetings
8.ALetter/Email from NALC - Invitation to submit evidence
To receive, consider and make any decisions in relation to items referred to this committee from Full Council or another Committee (subject to such items being outlined on the agenda)
It was proposed by Cllr D Creek, seconded by Cllr L Wright, and
RESOLVED agreed unanimously to RECOMMEND to G&R to spend up to £5,000 from the CIL Funds towards the Scoping Survey for Voluntary Visitor Contribution Scheme. Also delegating authority to the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and Chair to continue working on this project.
To resolve that pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 the public and press leave the meeting because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
To receive an update on the recruitment of the HR Lead vacancy and to make any decisions on alternative options where necessary
To discuss and make any decisions in relation to the emerging Strategic Staff Structure Review.
To consider and make relevant decisions on recruiting a Grant Officer.
Urgent items for information and discussion only.
Any questions asked under this item by members are likely to be responded to at the next meeting.
The next G&R Committee meeting is to take place on Monday 27 November 2023 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Marcus Hill, Newquay.
Future Meeting Dates:
27 November 2023
26 February 2024
29 April 2024