- Location
Council Chamber
- Chair
- Cllr Joanna Kenny
- Explanation
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Planning & Licensing Committee which is to be held on Wednesday 03 August 2022 at 6pm in the Council Chambers, Municipal Offices, Marcus Hill, Newquay for transacting the business on the agenda below.
To watch the live stream please use the Microsoft Teams Link below:
https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting\_NjIwZmZmYjctM2U5Ny00ODk4LWE4OWItMzE2MGIxMjU3MzBl%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%226e79ccd2-c190-4bc1-9c97-5ad22fe7fcca%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c2f33e2d-f7dd-43ab-9b5d-197436178acc%22%2c%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3atrue%7d - Agenda documents
Agenda items
To receive and accept apologies for absence
To receive Declarations of Interest and Dispensations awarded in respect of items on the agenda.
3Meeting Management Issues
To take as read and confirm as accurate the minutes of the meetings held on:
i. 05 July 2022
ii. 20 July 2022Attachment
To discuss or note any matters arising from the minutes under item 4.
This is for information only unless specific matters/items are on the agenda for decision. -
To receive previously notified public questions, followed by verbal questions (if technologically possible) from attending electors of Newquay.
Written Questions for the Committee should be submitted no later than two working days prior to the meeting in order that they can be included on the agenda.
In line with Standing Order 3(e), members of the public may make representations, answer questions and give evidence at a meeting which they are entitled to attend in respect of the business on the agenda of the meeting.
In line with Standing Order 3(f), the time allowed under this item is 15 minutes unless directed by the Chair.
In line with Standing Order 3(g), members of the public shall not speak for more than 3 minutes.
To discuss and make comments on any active consultations in relation to Planning & Licensing matters and to receive feedback/updates.
i. Infra22-056_SN01 - Treloggan Industrial Estate – Proposed Waiting Restrictions
ii. Licensing Act 2003 - Cumulative Impact Policies in relation to alcohol, entertainment and late night refreshment
iii. Consultation on the Schedule of Modifications to the Climate Emergency Development Plan Document Submission DocumentAttachment
To discuss and make comments on Licensing applications
To discuss and ratify decisions made under the 5 Day Planning Protocol and/or to discuss matters on previous Planning decisions
Five-Day Protocol:
i. PA22/03882 - 80 Bonython Road TR7 3AL - Agree to Disagree with the Officer's recommendation to Approve
Previous Planning Decisions:
i. PA21/05424 - 22 Riverside Crescent TR7 1PJAttachment
To receive Planning Applications to discuss and make comments as a consulted body
Proposed erection of a single, self-build, low impact and highly sustainable, dwelling house.
Land South Of 246 Henver Road TR7 3EH
Gary Woodward
183770 / 61837
https://planning.cornwall.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=RENKCKFGLR800 -
Change of Use to B and B
Mr and Mrs Woods
183871 / 62271
https://planning.cornwall.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=REFM4WFGGCQ00 -
Two-storey side extension.
Mr Nassim Chy
182280 / 60435
https://planning.cornwall.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=REV1UJFGIXH00 -
Retrospective application for Use of land for siting of yurt for yoga and wellbeing workshops
Mr B Hall - Zen Den T/A Live Music Connections
184098 / 64528
https://planning.cornwall.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=REN3JRFGLEH00 -
Central & Pentire
Proposed infill to existing ground floor rear extension. Proposed dormer. Internal alterations.
Mr and Mrs Grant
181496 / 61626
https://planning.cornwall.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=REWWGYFGK6E00 -
Porth & Tretherras
Loft conversion with two dormers proposed with single storey extension to the rear/side of the property.
Anna Gannon
182582 / 61014
https://planning.cornwall.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=RF0G6ZFGMDW00 -
Porth & Tretherras
Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of Application No. PA21/07459 dated 5th November 2021 (Proposed extensions and alterations with new driveway)
Mr Steve Smith
182673 / 62447
https://planning.cornwall.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=REYLLSFGLDA00 -
Central & Pentire
Listed building consent for - Replacement UPVC windows and french doors to north and west elevations. Reinstating lost lean-to roof over lounge french doors with lead batten effect Sarnafil. Replace roof of dining room lean-to with same lead batten effect Sarnifil.
Mr Richard Palmer - The Headland Hotel
180090 / 62416
https://planning.cornwall.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=RDNU44FGLLJ00 -
Central & Pentire
Construction of rear dormer roof extension and glazed Juliet balcony to provide additional bedroom/en-suite.
Mr Ted Simpson
180898 / 61529
https://planning.cornwall.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=RDVBJZFGITV00 -
Porth & Tretherras
Proposed first floor balcony to the front (West) elevation.
Mr N Davies
183094 / 62427
https://planning.cornwall.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=RFIZATFGIVH00 -
To receive updates on Risk Assessments and make any changes to Terms of Ref. (if required)
To receive reports from Working Parties and discuss any recommendations:
i. Community Governance Review Working Party
ii. Newquay Neighbourhood Plan -
To receive, consider and authorise the release of payment in respect of committee purchases in-line with Financial Regulations 5.2
To receive and note the list of Correspondence and to refer or respond accordingly (if any, relevant to Planning & Licensing only)
i - Correspondence from Craftworks Street Kitchen
i. Tregunnel Car Park Temporary Accommodation Scheme - Planning update
ii. Community Network Highway Schemes Update - July 2022
iii Weekly Decisions List from 13Jul22 - 26Jul22
iv. Government extends Fast Track Pavement Licences for another year
v. Cornwall Design Review Panel - Newquay Integrated Services HubAttachment
The next Planning & Licensing Committee meeting will take place on Wednesday 17 August 2022 at 6pm in the Council Chamber, Municipal Offices, Marcus Hill, Newquay TR7 1AF.
Committee: Cllr J Kenny (Chair), Cllr N Morris (Vice Chair) Cllr J Bell, Cllr J Brook, Cllr K Larsen, Cllr F Williamson, Cllr S Thomson
Substitutes: Cllr M North, Cllr C Anderson