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Planning & Licensing

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Council Chamber


You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Planning & Licensing Committee which is to be held on TUESDAY 05 July 2022 at 6pm in the Council Chambers, Municipal Offices, Marcus Hill, Newquay for transacting the business on the agenda below.

Please Note:
Teign Consulting will be delivering a presentation regarding proposals for potential New Accommodation to The Beachcombers, Watergate Bay. The presentation commences at 17:30 in the Council Chamber.

To watch live please use the Microsoft Teams Link below:

Agenda documents

Agenda items

  1. 1

    To receive and accept apologies for absence

  2. 2

    To receive Declarations of Interest and Dispensations awarded in respect of items on the agenda.

  3. 3
    Meeting Management Issues
  4. 4

    To take as read and confirm as accurate the minutes of the meetings held on:
    i. 08 June 2022
    ii. 22 June 2022

  5. 5

    To discuss or note any matters arising from the minutes under item 4.
    This is for information only unless specific matters/items are on the agenda for decision.

  6. 6

    To receive previously notified public questions, followed by verbal questions (if technologically possible) from attending electors of Newquay.

    In line with Standing Order 3(e), members of the public may make representations, answer questions and give evidence at a meeting which they are entitled to attend in respect of the business on the agenda of the meeting.

    In line with Standing Order 3(f), the time allowed under this item is 15 minutes unless directed by the Chair.

    In line with Standing Order 3(g), members of the public shall not speak for more than 3 minutes.

  7. 7

    To discuss and make comment on any active consultations in relation to Planning & Licensing matters and to receive feedback/updates.

  8. 8

    To discuss and make comments on Licensing applications

  9. 9

    To discuss and ratify decisions made under the 5 Day Planning Protocol and/or to discuss matters on previous Planning decisions
    i.  PA22/01517 -  15 Alexandra Road TR7 3ND
    ii. PA22/01637 - 56 Bedowan Meadows TR7 2SW
    iii. PA22/04085 - 4 Alexandra Court Porth TR7 3NJ

  10. 10

    To receive Planning Applications to discuss and make comments as a consulted body

  11. 10.01

    Retrospective change of use of land for parking, storage and the siting of storage containers
    Mr Baylor Julian
    182463 / 60655

  12. 10.02

    Porth & Tretherras
    Creation of a vehicle crossover, including a dropped kerb.
    Mr Joe Ashton - Newquay Town Council
    182942 / 60795

  13. 10.03

    Central & Pentire
    Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an Existing Use for ground floor, first floor, second floor being used as a flat.
    Mr Scott Nickless - Adaptive Property Group Ltd
    180573 / 61897

  14. 10.04

    Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an Existing use for an access road.
    Mr Nicholas Malcolm - Sands Resort Hotel Ltd
    183308 / 63372

  15. 10.05

    Porth & Tretherras
    Extension of existing commercial kitchen to connect existing takeaway eatery with kitchen, complete with flat roof covering. Installation of three modular units to operate as external bar unit, fish and chip unit, and pizza unit. Raised decking to facilitate access to the site.
    Mr Colin Hughes - Stonegate PLC
    183193 / 62851

  16. 10.06

    Central & Pentire
    Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of hotel rooms as use class C4 (HMO) for student accommodation
    Stephen Thatcher - Wheal Treasure Hotel
    181851 / 61491

  17. 10.07

    Porth & Tretherras
    Demolition of existing single-storey side extension (conservatory) and replacement with two-storey extension on marginally larger footprint. Additional minor extension to rear to convert utility room into a family room (again with only a marginally larger footprint).
    Sarah Eriksson
    183195 / 62443

  18. 10.08

    Porth & Tretherras
    Extension to create additional kitchen and dining space.
    Mr Mark Wheeler
    182506 / 62354

  19. 10.09

    Small balcony addition to the front of the property
    Mr Paul Ledder
    181118 / 60978

  20. 10.10

    Central & Pentire
    Advertisement consent for number of signs of which 1 is illuminated internally - illuminated fascia sign with 1 no set of internally illuminated letters and 1 no internally illuminated projecting sign.
    Jonathan Cawthorn - Jonsigns Ltd
    181337 / 61635

  21. 10.11

    Porth & Tretherras
    Construction of a detached single garage, increase to driveway area and dropping of the public kerb.
    Ms Jo Wright
    182457 / 62246

  22. 10.12

    Porth & Tretherras
    Temporary use of sports pavilion and recreational areas for provision of three Newquay Primary Academy (NPA) classrooms with associated works including play areas.
    C Ridehalgh - Cornwall Education Learning Trust (CELT)
    182625 / 61764

  23. 11

    To receive updates on Risk Assessments and make any changes to Terms of Ref. (if required)

  24. 12

    To receive reports from Working Parties and discuss any recommendations:
    i. Community Governance Review Working Party
    ii. Newquay Neighbourhood Plan

  25. 13

    To receive, consider and authorise the release of payment in respect of committee purchases in-line with Financial Regulations 5.2

  26. 14

    To receive and note the list of Correspondence and to refer or respond accordingly (if any, relevant to Planning & Licensing only)

  27. 15

    i. Weekly Decisions List from 08Jun22 - 28Jun22

  28. 16

    The next Planning & Licensing Committee meeting will take place on Wednesday 20 July 2022 at 6pm

    Committee: Cllr J Kenny (Chair), Cllr N Morris (Vice Chair) Cllr J Bell, Cllr J Brook, Cllr K Larsen, Cllr F Williamson, Cllr S Thomson
    Substitutes: Cllr M North, Cllr C Anderson